Knowledge is a text-based application™
Lauren Wood
Lauren currently has limited availability for consulting, as current clients have multiple projects to keep her busy. She has domain expertise in several areas where XML and related technologies are used, such as legislative documents and processes, healthcare standards, publishing, and identity. For clients and previous employers she has fulfilled many roles in technical facilitation, testing, business analysis, training, public speaking, development, document design, project management, and product management.
Recent and current major projects include
- Editor and Publisher of XML.com
- Legislative systems projects for Xcential Corporation
- Course Director for the XML Summer School
- XSLT and Schematron developer with Mulberry Technologies, Inc.
- Senior Product Manager for Design Science
- Senior Consultant in Healthcare standards for the Lantana Consulting Group
Tim Bray
Tim Bray founded Textuality in 1996. He is available for consulting on issues of technology leadership, software construction, and distributed systems. You can follow Tim's musings on his blog ongoing. and on Mastodon.